Post-doctoral Scholar
Email: ryandps@seas.upenn.edu
Phone: 206-701-4095
220 S 33rd St
Moore 300B
Philadelphia, PA, 19104
2018: Doctorate in Chemical Engineering from the University of Houston with Drs. Jacinta C. Conrad and Ramanan Krishnamoorti
2013: Bachelors of Engineering in Chemical Engineering from the Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Technology in New York, NY
Current Research
At the University of Pennsylvania, my research investigates the dynamics hierarchical and non-equilibrium soft matter. I aim to establish dynamic-property relationships to aid the design of novel systems with controllable relaxations.
Previous Research
My doctorate research focused on transport behavior through model heterogeneous materials. Specifically, I predominantly used scattering techniques – light, x-ray, and neutron – to investigate how nanoparticles move through polymer solutions and colloidal materials. More details can be found at my personal website http://www.ryanps.info.