Ph.D. Candidate
Phone: Available upon request.
220 S 33rd St
Moore 300B
Philadelphia, PA, 19104
2016-2020 – Honors Bachelor of Chemical Engineering – University of Delaware
2020-Present – Doctoral Student in Osuji Lab – University of Pennsylvania
May 2021 – Passed Qualifying Exam
August 2022 – Received Masters in Chemical Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania
April 2023 – Passed Thesis Proposal
January 2024 – Presented 4th year seminar
Current Research
I make membranes out of self-assembling polymerizable surfactants to investigate the interplay of structure-property relationships and the motion of charged particles within ordered nanostructures. This work is focused on the physics of membranes designed for nanoparticle filtration, salt separations, organic separations, and fuel cells. I am a part of the VIEST seed group focusing on ordered nanofiltrations. Additionally, I was a recipient of a 2022-2023 VIEST Fellowship.
My specific research skills include structure identification through transmission and grazing-incidence small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS/GISAXS) and materials property classification through dielectric spectroscopy (DS) and dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), with proficiency in a gamut of methods (DSC, TGA, UV-Vis Spectroscopy, etc.). I also enjoy any technique that involves imaging.
Publications and Presentations
A pH- and Light-responsive Nanoporous Lyotropic Gyroid Polymer Network. P. Li, C. Johnson, S. S. Dyer, C. O. Osuji, D. L. Gin. Advanced Materials Interfaces (2022). doi:10.1002/admi.202201761
Sulfonic-acid-based lyotropic bicontinuous cubic polymer network for molecular-size-selective heterogeneous catalysis. K. Culley, C. Johnson, D. L. Gin. Chemical Communications (2023)
Effect of localized control of cross-link density on mechanical properties of bicontinuous cubic lyotropic networks via copolymerization with different singly-polymerizable monomers. Lauren N. Bodkin, Christopher W. Johnson, Keira E. Culley, Zachary A. Krajnak, Jeffrey R. Hage, Na Kyung Kim, Chinedum O. Osuji, Douglas L. Gin. Polymer (2023)
Lyotropic Gyroid Mesophase Compositions, Polymer Compositions Comprising the Same, Methods of Preparation Thereof, and Methods of Using the Same. Gin, D.L., Li, P., Osuji, C., Imran, O., Johnson, C. and Dyer, S.S., University of Pennsylvania Penn and University of Colorado, 2023. U.S. Patent Application 17/949,072.
Presented a talk at ACS Fall Meeting 2023, entitled “Transport in Resilient Anion Exchange Membranes Derived from Crosslinked Lyotropic Mesophases”
Presented a talk at ACS Fall Meeting 2024 entitled “Impact of direct hexagonal mesophase geometry and hydration on ion motion” in the Porous Polymers section.
Presented posters at University of Pennsylvania Graduate Student Symposium in 2021 and 2022, as well as at the 2023 Center for Soft and Living Matter Symposium.
Previous Research and Achievements
Computational study of the self-assembly of generic brush-coil block copolymers with regards to changes in the architecture of the solvophilic brush block – supervised by Dr. Arthi Jayaraman (University of Delaware)
Properties of why I must run run run run now. Smaug the Cat, et al. Cat version of Science Advances, 2024.
A review of laps and why they are good to sit in. Poe the Cat, et al. Cat version of Nature, 2024